Monday, June 4, 2012

but the butter

Stefan and I just love surprises.  So much so that we've gotten in the habit of trading off planning a surprise date for the other each Friday night.  Last Friday was his turn.

After a quick drink at Press Club, he led me to our 8pm mystery activity.  Expecting a fancy dinner downtown (last week had been full of things to celebrate in a big, big way), I came dressed in a tight, short, sexy black dress + heels.  As he guided me towards the Giants stadium and we walked among fans dressed in jeans + orange, I began to get a bit nervous.  He did nothing to quell my fears suggesting that the game started at 8pm, but eventually he turned into an unsuspecting alleyway - home to Twenty Five Lusk.


I was already impressed by their rustic yet modern design, but when menu came around, I knew it was going to be an extra special (and delicious) night.

We shared the Fennel Mushroom Bisque and Local Yellowtail Sashimi to start,
then Stefan went with the Grilled Storm Hill Rib eye and me with the Alaskan Tru Cod as mains,
and then we shared the Strawberry Lasagna to finish.

While the food was unreal (I don't think I've ever sampled a rib eye as decadent and delicious as this - it literally melted in my mouth), my favorite part was by far the bread and butter.

The warm rustic french rolls arrived with a dish complete with two separate butters.  I didn't think twice as I guided my knife into one version, but Stefan was pensive.  He tested them both as he debated their differences.

"One is definitely cow.  The other - sheep, goat perhaps.  But this one, this one here is cow."

Oh please, I thought.  How could he possibly know the udder origin of the spread?  But when our waiter came back, he informed us that Stefan was indeed correct.  The one to our right was Paris Gourmet's Cow variety, while the other was Meyenberg Farm's Goat.  Both were to die for.  Literally.  Unreal.

So if you're looking to add a little decadence to your next dinner party, consider offering a spread of different butters.  I am sure sheep make some mighty fine spreads as well.



  1. That's too funny that you were all nervous about the surprise ending up being a game I'm you little black dress! Haha. Sounds delicious!

  2. I want butter. NOW. That all sounds so delish.


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