Tuesday, September 18, 2012


So I have this very serious issue when it comes to the use of the phrase "thanks."  
(That is: "thanks" plus a period when in written context - email, IM, letter.)

Now you may think that all "thanks" are created equal, but let me tell you - for anyone working under you or reporting to you or doing something for you, that is NOT the case.

See, I've spent many a year being a subordinate (from interning before and during college to my 4+ years post) which has allowed me plenty of time to experience written "thanks" of all kinds.  After doing something for the person I worked for, there were the 
"Thanks!" and the 
"Thank you so much!!!" and the 
"Thanks." or - even worse - "Thx."

When I worked for Stefan (yes, for those of you unaware of this incredible scandal, Stefan was previously my boss), he fell into the "Thanks." category.  Any time I'd update a slide or send him an analysis or find him a stat, he'd send back a cold and heartless "Thanks."  It was infuriating.  

I finally explained this to him not too long ago:

See a "thanks" plus a period has the subtext of:
"I'm not really thankful for what you've done.  I expect it of you.  I'm merely saying this nicety because I feel like I should.  Do what you're paid to do."
A "thanks." sounds like this:

But a "thanks" dressed in ANY other way ("thanks!" or "thank you so much!!") has the subtext of:
"I really appreciate what you've done.  Thank you!"
That kind of thank you sounds like this:

He had no idea.  He had thought his "thanks." qualified as "thanks."
What was he thinking!

Which is why I am bringing you this public service announcement today.  
If you're not an exclamation point type of person, don't fret: you can still go for the simple "thanks" but take the ten seconds to add something like "Thanks, I really appreciate this." or "Thank you - this is good work."  or "Thanks, this is extremely helpful."  It will make ALL the difference to that little worker bee working below you.  Trust me.



  1. This is my favorite thing on the internet right now. EXACTLY!

  2. Hahaha this was fantastic. Thanks! for posting.


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