Wednesday, December 5, 2012

wacky wednesday

My absolute favorite book growing up was Dr. Seuss' Wacky Wednesday.  Have you read it?  You need to.

The premise is simple: a baffled youngster awakens to find that everything is not quite right, but no one else seems to notice.  It's a wonderful read at all ages, but especially when you're little and find great satisfaction in spotting each of the wacky things that fill Seuss' colorful pages.

But lately, it seems as though I'm living in my own Wacky Wednesday -spotting all sorts of things that seem "not quite right" in my real life.

For example, watching the morning news this morning, I stumbled upon Jos A. Bank's latest promotion:

Buy One Sport Coat, and get:
  • 2 pairs of pants;
  • 2 sweaters;
  • 2 sportshirts +
  • Android Smartphone (w/2 year contract).
At first, I was thinking: they can't be serious, this has got to be an ad for SNL's latest skit.  But as the promo ended and moved on without a nod to the joke, I thought it might actually be for real.  I quickly looked it up online, confirming its ridiculous existence.  Apparently next week, if you buy a pair of socks, you get the rest of the store for free.   

Then as I was driving into work and listening to the radio, I heard Roku's latest ad campaign:

The entire ad focuses on how Roku's TV lovers just sit around and do nothing (other than watch TV, that is).  They're not the people who discover new medical procedures or develop new innovative technologies - no, no: Roku's TV lovers are - well - lazy.  As the ad says,
"Let's face it TV lovers - you weren't the leading candidate to patch the ozone anyway!"
Meaning you should just throw in the towel and watch Roku all. day. long.

I'm sorry, but does this ad make anyone else never want to watch TV again?

And then finally, as I sipped my morning coffee and perused my favorite daily deal site aggregator (, I stumbled upon the following deal:

All the way over there to the left - see it?  
Saline breast implants!  40% off!  
Oh goodie!  I would LOVE to get breast implants at a place that needs to offer a 40% off coupon on a daily deal site! 

And it's only 9am.
Anything wacky in your life these days?


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