Monday, February 4, 2013

happy birthday gretters!

Today is the big 2-5 for my little sister Gretchen!


I may be older, but Gretchen is definitely wiser:

She's always got some good advice when times are tough 
and I need an unbiased, rational opinion. 
 (Getting some of her many words 
of wisdom in Sonoma last spring.)

And more hilarious:

There isn't a person in the world 
this girl can't make laugh.

And more patient:

She had to put up with a whole lot of this growing up.

And more athletic:

She kills me on the golf course, tennis court, race track - 
you name it.

And sillier:

Need I say more?
 And more stylish:

(I've been trying to up the ante in terms of fashion lately and Stefan keeps telling me:
"Oh - you look so stylish!  You look like Gretchen!")

Happy birthday Gretters!

with her man - the fabulous Al

We all love you!


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