Wednesday, February 6, 2013

six months down

Yesterday marked six months of marriage for Stefan and me.  Where did the time go?

A few wedding tid-bits to help kick off the next six:

Aren't they adorable?

A blurb in my (and my family's) high school magazine

My parent's holiday card front
(me and my dad dancing)

 holiday card inside

holiday card back

Sadly Stefan's in Australia for the week on business so I'm all by my lonesome.  

I've got lots of things to keep me busy (drinks + dinners out with friends, catching up on Downton/Nashville/Smash, getting my nails done, attempting to find a yoga studio, and celebrating the most adorable mom-to-be with a tea-party-themed baby shower this weekend) but I'm already counting down the minutes to when he gets back and we can celebrate our six-month milestone together.  (Because who doesn't need a bit more celebration in their life?)

What do you do when your other half is away?



  1. happy half anniversary!... you should have jumped on the plane with him! i wanna go to australia!

  2. Okay this may be a bit creepy, but I suppose in the blog world- anything goes! I am Al's cousin and his mom, Lisa, is my wonderful godmother! I absolutely adore your blog since she introduced it to me. I show off your wedding to all my friends in my college dorm... like we are seriously obsessed! The wedding video.. uh..tears! We all hope to have a blog that we can post our awesome wedding and engagement photos on some day!! Just wanted to pop in and let you know I love reading our blog and I consider Al an official celebrity since he appeared in yesterdays post (which was so awesomely sweet by the way!) Happy six-month!


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