Tuesday, May 15, 2012

simple spring supper

So not too long ago, we had some vegetarian, gluten-free guests over for dinner.  While my traditional veggie go-to is a delicious and easy-to-make-ahead lasanga, the gluten aspect really threw me for a loop.  How could I make something savory and satisfying without meat nor wheat?

As luck would have it, my new fav food blog - My New Roots - was featuring a Spring Spirit Polenta that very day.  And polenta happens to be 100% gluten free.

The recipe could not have been simplier, so I decided to create a modified version of my own.

Chop up some fresh asparagus.

And then toss with frozen (yes, frozen!) peas, frozen edamame, and a splash of good olive oil.  Right before serving, pan fry them with a pinch of salt.

Next, pick up a bag of polenta from your local grocer and follow the instructions on the back.  Only don't add any butter, milk, or cream, even if your polenta variety calls for it.  Just the corn mill, water, a splash of EVOO, and a dash of salt will do the trick for a blend that is completely creamy, yet light as can be.

When your polenta and green goodies are ready, it's time to assemble.  Scoop some polenta in a dish, toss on your spring vegetables, and sprinkle some freshly shaved parmesan on top.  Sans parm, the recipe is totally vegan, but we're real cheese lovers around these parts so we couldn't do without a bit of that decadence.

And then finally, enjoy guilt free!


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