Thursday, May 24, 2012

thrifty thursday: pop purification

When we ate out while I was growing up, there was an unspoken rule that the Kriegs do not order drinks.  No soda or milkshakes or lemonade for us kids; water was just fine.  And so knowing that was that and there was nothing to be done about it, we drank water and it was just fine.  Delicious in fact.

Over the years, however, I developed an affinity for non-water beverages. (I'm talking non-alcoholic here, although you all know my love for the Napa Valley nectar cannot be denied.) 

It started innocently - ordering a little lavender lemonade to compliment my lunch-time sandwich, or swinging by the corner store for an ice-cold Diet Coke mid-afternoon, or picking up a six-pack of Sprite Zero to quench my thirst after a long run (yes, I hate to admit it, but my favorite post-work-out drink was such) - but after enough time, my taste for water - straight up, on the rocks - disappeared. 

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Anytime I was thirsty I went for a soda: Diet Coke, Sprite Zero, Fresca, Diet Cream Soda, you name it.  This habit wasn't only hurting my wallet, it was hurting my health.

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So two weeks ago I went cold turkey: absolutely no soda. 
(And no artificial sweeteners either.  And let me tell you: I was a heavy-hitter when it came to those little yellow packets.)

At first it was excruciating - what DO I drink? 
But then I realized that was that and there was nothing to be done about it, so I drank water and it was just fine. Delicious in fact.  Especially ice-cold out of a beautiful glass pitcher straight from the fridge with some fresh lemon and a bit of mint.

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And two weeks later, I must admit, I can totally feel it.  It could be just mental, but I feel lighter, fresher, more pure.  And there's no doubt I've saved a boatload of cash.

So if you're a soda junkie like me, consider taking the plunge.  I promise it will be worth the (temporary) pain.  Your body and your bank account will thank you. 



  1. I love Coke and only let myself splurge when I have pizza! Water works wonders!

  2. i think my family was like yours, we always were "fine with water"! and now i actually wont get drinks with meals unless its alcohol at dinner or something because drinking liquid with food actually washes away the digestive enzymes.

  3. I love water, I hardly drink anything else! keep it up girl! p.s orange slices are super refreshing in water!

  4. Cute blog! I love it! It was great to meet you today at Mel's photo shoot! :)


  5. just came across your blog!! going cold turkey on soda is sooooo hard. I love to have my one soda a day. But water is so so much better for you and your body really is much happier with more water :D love your blog and wanted to say hello :) so please come check out my blog sometime!!


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