Thursday, October 18, 2012

10 cents a bag

Not too long ago (October 1st to be exact), San Francisco began requiring stores to start charging for bags.  The city had already mandated plastic bags be banned, so to help stores not have to carry the whole financial burden of paper AND encourage consumers to BYOB (bring their own bag that is), a dime per bag must now be charged.

While I like to think myself an environmentally-friendly person generally speaking, I have to admit I'm not one to put the environment over convenience.  Despite the fact that I have countless reusable grocery bags at home, I never bring them with me to the store.  I have the best of intentions but it just isn't worth it for me to go through the hassle of lugging around a reusable bag or two (and then remembering to pull it out at the checkout).  Horrible, I know.

But since the 10 cent charge has been implemented, it's a totally different ball game.  I now always carry around my bags and always remember to use them.  Just for 10 teeny cents. 

It helps that I happen to have - thanks to my super savvy mother - a set of incredibly practical bags from flip & tumble.  Not only do they stay tucked away in a pack like this:

They are incredibly strong (you should see how much I can get into these babies) and come in a vast array of dazzling colors.
Just goes to show how powerful market economics can be (versus people's good intentions) - even when we're just talking about 10 cents.
Do you bring your own bags to shop?  Do you have to pay for bags?

1 comment:

  1. yay SF! yay, you!

    i always bring my own bags, but i have been since what seems like 2001, so its pretty engrained at this point. or if its just a couple things i will just put them in my purse or carry them, no bigs!


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