Monday, October 29, 2012


I come from a family of planners.  We love to have a plan.  We've already got every single minute accounted for over Thanksgiving weekend.  We are currently nailing down plans for next spring.  And June is almost already established as well.  We are the type of people who make plans for making plans.

So naturally, I'm a gal who needs an agenda, and that includes weekends.  So you might imagine my anxiety when heading into this past weekend we had almost no plans (with the exception of a dinner on Saturday night).  What were we going to do with our time if we didn't already know?

But (as you likely already know), we ended up doing a plethora of lovely things despite not having them on the list beforehand:

a dinner-and-movie date on Friday night to see Cloud Atlas
(totally weird but very thought-provoking)
a trip to the Saturday morning
Farmer's Market, of course

complete with lots of seasonal decorations
(note the pumpkins and gourds in the window)
and copious amonts of fresh produce

a drive up Highway 1 along the coast

a leisurely walk on Stinson Beach

an afternoon seaside snack with a side of live music
a spotting of a persimmon tree / bush / vine / plant
(more on these magical orbs tomorrow)
Do you head into your weekends with or without a plan?  Which do you like better?


  1. I am not sure if I want to see Could Atlas or not...

    Much Love

  2. I am such a planner too! Looks like your weekend was great. My husband and I are going to see Cloud Atlas tonight....not sure what I will think about...

  3. I prefer no plan, but having specific things to accomplish. Once I'm done my chores etc then I can veg out any which way I want.
    I've just been studying my arse off over here though... not too much fun... 7 midterms down, 3 to go...


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