Monday, October 8, 2012

on blogging

I apologize for my absence of late – it’s been awhile since I’ve checked in.

But my momentary pause was not without reason: you see, it’s been just about a year since this whole blogging thing got started.  Can you believe it?  And with the one year mark pending, I began really thinking about whether its pursuit (blogging that is) still made sense. 

Many times since that glorious fall day in 2011 I’ve wondered:
Who could possibly care (husband and parents excluded) about my normal-as-pie little life? 
How conceited and self-absorbed must people find me to be spending hours documenting my personal happenings? 
What must people think of my silly writing – stylistically and otherwise?

But along the way one wise person told me: “Don’t do it for others.  Do it for yourself.”
And so really, that’s what I’ve tried to do – use this public platform to try out a budding, new passion of mine: witty (sometimes at least, I like to think), talking-right-to-ya writing about boring stuff made palatable.    

If you’ve followed, you’ll know this experiment has taken me all kinds of ways.  I’ve written about everything from persimmons to stick shifting to my fabulous love life to how to thank a person properly (thank YOU to all those who reached out to say they agreed or enjoyed!!!!!).

Now you may be reading this and thinking: “oh good, she’s finally decided to call it quits,” but alas not.  All this is to not say I’m hanging the towel, rather to simply thank all of you for your support and patience and kind, kind words.  Even though I do this just for me as much as possible, there is nothing nicer than hearing from you that you enjoyed a post or laughed at a picture or shared an idea with a friend. 

And to let you know that I will still continue to try and do this just for me, so if there happens to be a two week stretch where I'm too busy or uninspired or just plain not feeling it, you might see some cobwebs around these parts.  I hope you'll forgive me and still check back when things get going again.

I’ll be back tomorrow to report on the weekend.
It was all sorts of goodness.

1 comment:

  1. I think the best blogs are written by people who do it just for themselves instead of trying to impress others. I've always enjoyed your writing so I'm happy to hear you are sticking around!


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