Tuesday, January 31, 2012

portfolio picks

So since I've been sitting in meetings for two and a half straight days hearing investment advice from the best and the brightest, I figured I'd share my two cents on your portfolio based on the teachings around these parts:


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Greek anything
I know it's tempting with yields (and views) like those,
but the risk - it's just too much.
You see those cliffs?  They mean serious business.


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Anything Scandinavian
Take advantage as the baby gets thrown out with
the rest of Europe and investors take flight.
Denmark looks pretty darn sunny to me.

US Treasuries
A return-free risk


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Indonesian sovereigns
You don't hear many people hitting up
Lengkuas Island do you?  That's exactly right.
Get 'em before they're hot
(and while they're cheap).

'Cause that's a bubble that is just dying to burst


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The world population grew by 3x in the 20th century
Our consumption of water? 6x
Tap that via utilities, infrastructure, technology - you name it.

All of this coming at you for the bargain price of 0 bps. 


1 comment:

  1. interesting!!! i love little tips like this. there is SO much out in the world, its hard to not think of the typical destinations we always think of.


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