Tuesday, April 10, 2012

on collecting

I've always had torn feelings about collections.

On the one hand, they're a nice hobby and way to remember things in your life.  My mom - who goes through a half a pack of Diet Coke a day and sleeps with a can on her bedside table - has a festive collection of cans from each country she's visited decorating the top shelf of her office. 


But on the other hand, collections can empty wallets, don't serve any real practical purpose, create clutter, and sometimes lead to people falling just a bit off their rocker.  Like here: 


Despite these many obstacles to the hobby, however, I have developed a little collection of my own:


Not only are the little guys cheap (and by cheap I mean FREE!), they're incredibly practical - especially when you love eating dinner by candlelight as much as Stefan and I do.

Plus picking up a pack grants me an instant moment of memories:

my college days drinking beers and eating burgers at the Water Street Grill,
champagne and dessert at The Modern when my mom and Kaka would come visit me while I was living in NYC,
late night drinks with colleagues at MATCH in Boston while working my first real job,
staying at the Hotel Europe in Davos for a Swiss mountain-top wedding,
some romantic (and delicious) dates at fleur de lac and cafe des bains when Stefan was still living in Switzerland,

I could really go on and on and on and on.

Finally, the collection is (fairly) clutter free.  I pop all my boxes into an empty vase which serves as decor on our built-in bookcase.

Do you have any collections?



  1. so cute! i already grab matchbooks from places we go, bonus if they are actual box. i got loads in vegas!

  2. I should start doing this. A collection, I can get on board with.

    ps proposal story in the works for tomorrow :)

  3. I don't really collect anything, but this is a cool idea! I love the 'panic and give up' poster in the background of your pictures! Cracked me up.


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